恭喜 Rachel 及 Dennis 分別於 🇯🇵東京劍擊公開賽2018
🇯🇵 U15 女子花劍組 及 男子花劍元老組 獲得 銀牌
🥈 及 銅牌
Thanks to all parents and participants for their involvement throughout the trip 💪🏻 we had lots of FUN!
恭喜 Rachel 及 Dennis 分別於 🇯🇵東京劍擊公開賽2018
🇯🇵 U15 女子花劍組 及 男子花劍元老組 獲得 銀牌
🥈 及 銅牌
Thanks to all parents and participants for their involvement throughout the trip 💪🏻 we had lots of FUN!